sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

Work Day 5

The tools I chose were, the first one called PowerTalk that it is a free program that automatically speaks any presentation or slide show running in Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.

You just download and install PowerTalk and while you open and run the presentation as usual it speaks the text on your slides. The advantage over other generic 'Text To Speech' programs is that PowerTalk is able to speak text as it appears and can also speak hidden text attached to images.
Speech is provided by the standard synthesised computer voices that are provided with Windows.
I have already tested with my presentation. If one of you are interested in this tools, the site is:

The other one is Podesk and the site is: http://www.podesk.com/
Podesk is a dead simple way for independant content creators and producers to publish videos on the internet. It’s faster and easier than any other solution and you have total control over the ditribution.
You decide what to publish simply by dragging video from your desktop. Your video is compressed and hosted directly and instantly from your computer. Once published, you can access your video over a regular browser, or throught the podcast feed. Or if you are in a hurry, you can simply record from your webcam!
And You can also publish mp3 files and Pictures!

There are many more but I liked these 2 tools.

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